Sunday, February 5, 2012


The moon tonight was stunning; It was high and bright with a ring like a holy halo. By His word He hung the moon, and the stars that scatter into the expanse and shine like jewels are from Him. Even before that, even before everything else that was good, even when the earth was formless the Spirit of God hovered over the deep, dark surface (Genesis 1:2). Hovering, like a mother bird caring and protecting its young. And He thought of me (and you). And the very same deep calls out to deep.

It was set it motion from the very beginning, this plan for saving. I try to wrap my mind around it, this extravagant grace. And that the Creator of the Universe, the Holy Uncreated One, desires a relationship with me (and you). He loves us with an everlasting love and draws us with unfailing kindness (Jer. 31:3).

Tonight, I am in awe. Honestly, there shouldn't be a time when I am not in awe, but things get in the way. I have let things get in the way. I have, at times, taken the sacred for granted. I am thankful beyond words can express that God works in the midst of it all. I can look back and see the ways in which He has guided me. And just as He placed each star in the heavens, he has placed me on this journey.

Something is stirring within me; it feels like excitement. It has been awhile. All of my tomorrow's are in His hands, and simply knowing that truth brings such peace as I desire to know Him more.

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