Sunday, November 13, 2011

Of Loss and Hope and Things Eternal...

I don't think I could possibly express everything that is in my heart, or all the things that God is showing me -  teaching me - over the last two weeks. It was the morning of Halloween when I learned that a kindergartner at my school had passed away the previous Friday; she was in my friend's mother's class. It is of course extremely sad when a child dies. As a mother, it is something that is almost unfathomable.

Even though the little girl had gone through three prior heart surgeries, she was off all medication and thriving at school. She was, according to her teachers, a precocious child who loved to ask questions. Her death was completely unexpected, and the family did not have the resources for the funeral expenses. Immediately, the school community rallied support for the grieving family. From there, a car wash was planned by our supervisors, one of them who had lost her own son at the age of five. A newspaper article brought attention to the support efforts.

The day of the car wash, it rained. But, no amount of precipitation could dampen the overwhelming support from the community (school, district, and city). We only washed 10 cars, but raised approximately $4700 in three hours. Every day last week, we would receive more support from people sending in funds from all over the Inland Empire. I was truly humbled to witness such support for this family.

I attended the vigil. I wasn't sure what to expect, but I knew in my heart that I needed to be there. What I witnessed was such a powerful testimony to the hope that this family had. In the midst of their unimaginable loss, was an abiding hope. They knew without a doubt that this life, however long or short, is not the end for those who are in Christ Jesus. Even with my limited understanding of Spanish, the message of salvation through words, prayer, scripture, and song was powerful and Spirit-led; it is something I will never forget.

The next day at the graveyard service was more somber, reserved; even the skies remained cloudy. But, you could not mistake the hope - hope that comes from knowing the eternal God - that was tangible. As tears were shed and the casket lowered into the ground, the words from the scriptures pierced my heart-heavy with Jesus' promises.

I sat alone during church today. I cried, not because I was particularly sad, but moreover because I was overwhelmed with God's grace and mercy. As I sat in the midst of the Body of Christ, I was reminded that any of us at any given time can be experiencing severe heartache. Life on this earth can be hard, but that's just it...Why does my heart sometimes forget that this life is a blink of an eye compared to eternity? I was reminded of the scripture I included in the card I gave to Paola's family.

From Psalm 84:
How lovely is your dwelling place,

O LORD Almighty!
My soul yearns, even faints,
for the courts of the LORD;
my heart and my flesh cry out
for the living God.
Better is one day in your courts

than a thousand elsewhere...

I am still processing many things, but tonight I am so very thankful for:

Salvation (and the blessed assurance we have)

God's truth (and His promises fulfilled)

God's peace (that can bring comfort to those who mourn)

The extended Body of Christ (and the godly examples that surround me)

So, as I close, I ask that you remember this family in your prayers, but also please pray for all of the families who mourn tonight without hope.

1 comment:

Amy Smith said...

Wow. Really makes you think. And yes, I will pray.